Mom Thoughts

Changing of Seasons

It’s been a really long time since I’ve sat down to write anything on this blog.  To be honest, I’ve not really been prioritizing it.  It’s been a bit busy packing everything in our house, then multiple showings in a week, then house hunting, then taking some things back out of storage.  It’s been a lot.  Real estate these days (who knows maybe it’s always like this) is tough.  We’ve had a couple offers on our house, but both fell through.  So while we’ve been living in this “show ready” house, my kids have had a lot of their toys and things packed away in storage.

Recently, I decided to take some of their stuff back out of storage because, honestly, they’re kids and they should play with some of their stuff.  I’m kind of in the mindset now that whatever happens, happens.  This house hunting process has taught all of us to roll with it.  My kids have done great when we are cleaning the house for a showing, and the dogs are used to riding around in the car now, and even though we talk about setting up new rooms and decorating, we know that it might not happen right away.

This-like many things in parenthood- is a season.  My kids haven’t had access to some of their belongings, but they have bonded over bike riding, jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler, going to playgrounds, reading new books.  It’s been nice to see.  It’s difficult watching them grow up (and my kids are still young!), but I love watching it.  My oldest is the big brother who always has one eye on his sisters.  My middle is trying to act and do things to emulate the oldest, and my youngest is growing more and more independent everyday.  We’re almost entirely out of diapers now and only one using pull-ups, but super close to being fully trained. They (mostly) play so well together that  I actually have a solid 30 minutes-and counting- to write this post right now because they are all playing together in their bedrooms!

I know that life won’t always be this “easy”, but considering we’re at a turning point in our family life, as we pack-up some memories and plan for new experiences, I’m savoring this point in time.  Difficult things will come soon (especially if we move mid school year-ah!), and homework will increase, more kids will be in school. But right now-this is pretty sweet.

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