Mom Thoughts

To My Husband

Lately, it seems we are just in a never ending cycle of tasks. It’s summertime and we haven’t even had a chance to vacation! This summer has been an adjustment for sure, with our new addition and your taking on another job. I know we are both busy throughout the day, making for long days. 

But this, too, is a season. Our life with two toddlers, an infant, and two dogs are numbered. I try to focus on that; to soak in as much of this chaotic time as possible. One of the things I learned from you. You see, I get easily overwhelmed with trying to do it all-be the best mom, be the best wife, do all I can for my job, keep a clean house…but you regularly remind me to let it all go and focus on one thing: our family. 

Let’s soak up this time of chaos because one day it will be quiet in our house. One day I will actually get a full night’s sleep and will be able to stay awake for a movie in the evening-gasp! One day I won’t have 82 loads of laundry to do in a day, while working and making a family dinner, with a special dinner of Dino nuggies and Mac and cheese, at night. 

I am exhausted by the end of my days now…and it’s not even the school year. It takes everything I have to crawl into bed after putting the last child down for the night, and I know you feel the same way. You work six days a week. You are gone by 5am everyday and you come home to (sometimes) more work and dishes (thank you for doing them!). There are some days where I think we might only say two words to each other. 

But we’ll sneak in a hug or kiss while we do the dinner shuffle, or snag some time on the couch to watch a show-fully knowing we’ll both be exhausted in the morning, but wanting to spend time with one another. And I’ll remember that this is a season. Our time with this chaos will end one day, and we’ll be dying to have it back.

So thank you for being you. For keeping the mood in our house humorous and light, for being an excellent parent partner to our kids-working with them on karate focus skills or kissing boo-boos. For throwing the ball around the backyard in the evening for our dogs when I just can’t get out to walk them during the day. For standing at the sink doing dishes when I am sure your feet hurt and you’d much rather sit back and put them up. And for reminding me that this rat race we are currently living in will be over one day, and in the grand scheme of things, our family is most important.

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