No one can prepare you for having that first child. Even if you’ve been around kids your entire life, having one of your own and being responsible for their well-being is a daunting thought. Luckily, moms are superheroes; it’s like a gene that they are born with. You have a baby, you bring that baby home, and you just start momming. There’s no real thought to it-you just do it. It is not easy at all, but it’s like you already know what to do before you think you know what to do.
Then you decide you’ve got the hang of this mom thing. Sure-let’s bring another one into the family; I’ve got this. And for me, honestly, going from one to two kids was a breeze. My older two kids are 19 months apart and I am convinced having them close together helped make that transition easier. I was already knee-deep in diaper changes, messy toy rooms, and chaotic dinner times. We barely missed a beat during that transition from one to two kids.
Now, everyone told me once you start having kids, each one gets easier. Well, going from one to two was such a breeze so absolutely let’s bring another one into the family! You see-what people don’t tell you is a little known secret that I was let in on by a neighbor just recently during a park playdate. Here it is-you go from one kid, to two kids. Then you somehow jump from 2 kids…TO NINE.
Seriously-that’s what it’s like. And no, they don’t “get easier” with each one. I love my third child beyond measure, but it sure was an adjustment adding this little pint size princess to our family. The clinginess, the cries-*so so loud cries*, the spit up, the little sleep. It was an adjustment.
My third child is so far almost exactly like my first child. The only difference is that with my first child, it was only him! I was only responsible for one little baby, and I bent over backwards for that little boy. We did all the things! I was so happy to bring my little baby to the store, to outings with friends, to little day trips. When my second came along, it was more of a divide up your time kind of deal. We did some stuff, but she was born at the start of the pandemic so we never really did much but stayed home, occasionally venturing to the grandparents house.
With my third? It’s like a literal three ring circus. The constant thoughts: Where did I just put your dirty diaper? Did I already change you….are you still sitting in poop? Or the things that come out of your mouth: “Go get your little sister’s binky before the dog chews it! The dog already got it? Ok let me rinse it real quick before you stick it back in her mouth”, (and by rinse at this point, I mean wipe it lightly on my shirt and call it a day).
It truly takes a feat of strength to get everyone out the door, let alone for daily outings. My version of a daily outing now is walking with the baby from the kitchen to the deck outside.
No-I don’t feel like I’m hindering her babyhood in any way, and no, I don’t feel like a bad mom. But the reality is that having that third child is a whole new level. So if you are struggling with adding that third child to the mix, take comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. Just like my old time favorite School House Rock says, “Three-it’s a magic number!” And for moms it means with three your patience magically disappears!