Mom Advice

Baby Snacks

When I had my first child, I followed the true Gerber progress: First, formula, then solid baby food packs, then baby snacks. I don’t regret doing that because it made my life easier, but after having two more I realized I could have saved so much money and given my child similar food items. 

Baby food is crazy expensive! No matter if it’s fruit/veggies, snacks, puffs, pouches…it’s all expensive! I knew the best way to cut costs with my next two children was to limit the baby food and give my kids the same food I was feeding myself and my husband. It turned out to be the best thing I’ve done. Saving money, but also my other two kids are so easygoing when it comes to food; they will eat anything! 

So while we still grab some of the Gerber products out there (talking to you, Puffs!), here’s a few of the other snacks that my children ate as babies/early toddlers. 

  • Kellogg’s Nutri Grain Bars: These might not be the healthiest fruit bars out there, but they seem to resemble Gerber fruit bars the most in terms of look and taste. Plus, they are cheaper. Gerber bars cost $3.52 for a box of 8, and you can get 16 Nutri Grain Bars for $5. 
  • Cheerios: Okay, this one is a no-brainer! Babies have been eating Cheerios since the beginning of time it seems, so naturally they go on the list since I can get a Mega Box for $6, feeding all three of my kids for a while.
  • Delmonte Fruit Cups: The idea of giving babies fruit is whole-heartedly good, but when you can’t get the fresh stuff, what’s a good substitute? We like Delmonte Fruit Cups with *no added sugar*.  My kids have always loved the variety box of pears, peaches, and oranges. I can get the variety of 12 cups for $7. Makes great snacks but also a side for dinners!
  • Stonyfield Organic Baby-Yo Yogurt: My daughter loves this yogurt! Packed with natural ingredients and probiotics, and something you can start to give your baby as early as 6 months! Stonyfield also makes organic fruit smoothie pouches that are equally as tasty and my other kids still eat.
  • Little Bites Mini Muffins: Call me what you will, but I am not that mom who has to feed her kids all healthy foods.  Far from it actually. I believe a balanced diet is essential, and that splurges are ok. But, full disclosure, if I could buy stock in Little Bites I would. The number of mini muffin packs we go through in a week is ridiculous. No need to lecture me on the sugar content or grams of fat; this is one snack my kids eat plenty of and I’m okay with it. There are worse things than Little Bites, guys.
  • Avocado: Avocados were the first foods that my two daughters had, and they loved them! As a matter of fact, avocado toast is my middle daughter’s favorite breakfast food today. You can’t go wrong giving avocado as a first food-it’s soft, gentle on the tummy, lets them explore with texture, and full of healthy fats for baby. We constantly keep a large quantity of avocado in our house because we eat it so often. 
  • Mott’s Apple Sauce pouch: My kids live on apple sauce pouches. I buy these pouches with *no added sugar* in bulk. I like the Mott’s only because it tastes better, in my opinion, than the others. We have bought the variety packs as well, with Strawberry Peach Apple Sauce, but tend to use more of the original ones. Also, these are great to cart around on-the-go, we have one of these holders as well that helps with no spilling or squeezing for little hands!

And that’s my list! What baby snacks do you feed your little ones? I’m always open to new ideas!

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