New Parents

For the Sleep-Deprived Parent

I am *tired*. I cannot remember the last time I had a full night’s sleep. One of the most significant changes to your lifestyle after having kids is the lack of sleep you will get. Being a parent is the only job where you have to be *on* 24/7. People always say things like “You were the one who wanted kids” or “This comes with the territory”. You know what? I want to tell those people off because while we may be parents and want this beautiful family of ours, we are also human! The proper amount of sleep is essential for everyone to survive, new parents included.

I do what I can to manage my lack of sleep. I am a creature who does not do well on minimal sleep. Coffee is my best friend these days, and pretty much every night you can find me putting my kids to bed at 7pm, then heading to my own bed to snuggle up and get a few hours sleep before one of them has their first night-waking. It’s a vicious cycle of a couple hours of sleep, then a couple hours awake until 4:45am when my alarm wakes me up for the day, usually after the last night- waking kid goes back to sleep at 4:40am.

I find myself attempting to keep moving all day because I know that if I sit down I am down for the count and will not get back up again. From working all day to shuttling the kids home for a quick dinner/tubs/bed routine. On some nights, the “night shift” begins at that point. I do try to make it to bed right after I put my kids to bed most nights, but the reality is there are nights when there is just too much to do and you can’t possibly get it all done and try to be present for your kids. Even something simple like taking a shower; dry shampoo has become all-too reliable these days!

So, fellow sleep-deprived Mamas, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in your “Mombie” lifestyle. We all kind of look like this after having kids anyway!

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