Mom Advice Mom Thoughts

A Day in the Life of a Working Mom

Lately, it is more and more apparent how impossible it is to be a working mom in todays world. Granted, we have made strides in some ways (Paid Parental Leave is finally being accepted in certain states), but the vast majority of work places are not very adept at accepting their “mom” employees.

I’m a teacher. So my job is difficult even without being a mom on top of it. And I don’t want to get into the debate of whether teaching is a “hard” job. I’ve lived it. Fifteen years in and in today’s world, yes, it’s an impossible job. Add onto that the hurdle of being a mom to three under four-it’s even more impossible. 

I try to have a positive mindset every day. “Today, I’m going to do all the things and take care of everything and I’ll do it with a smile”. But the reality is that is never the case. 

You are either dinged from your boss for one reason or another, or judged by others for not keeping your house up to standards or your kids looking a mess one day because you just couldn’t argue. Whenever I hear something or someone judging or dinging me, I just want to shout at them


  • Getting three kids out the door, fed, looking decent for school: hurdle.
  • Driving over an hour with kids from home to school drop off to daycare to work: hurdle.
  • Working solidly so hard that you don’t even have time for a bathroom break: hurdle. 
  • Running out the door from work to make it to your kids soccer practice: hurdle.
  • Racing home to take care of your dogs (one of which is sick): hurdle. 

I just wish people-especially in today’s world-would be a little more compassionate. We have all been through so much recently with the pandemic, and it seems the standards and demands of everything have stayed as high as ever, but the support is lacking. Please remember we are human! Until that day when robots take over the world, we are all we have. And as humans we have limits and roadblocks in life that derail us from time to time. 

Moms already feel the pressure leaving the workplace out of the equation. When you factor in the added stress of work, it’s a wonder any mom is surviving day to day. We need to do better for our working moms. Let’s be a little understanding when they have to jet out right at the end of the day to get to a kids practice, or arrive right on time because drop off took forever and then it rained, causing traffic. How quickly we forget what it’s like to raise small children as a working parent.

Parenting is an incredibly difficult job. You would think your place of employment would understand simple human things, like your need to breastfeed during the day, or take a sick day for a kids doctor appointment. But the reality for many working moms is being dinged or judged or-worse- let go for simply trying to be a working mom. Let’s bring everything back to a reset. Hit pause and just breathe before trying again another day. Working moms-I’m with you. I hear you. I am you. ❤️

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