Mom Thoughts

Preschool Emotions From a Mom’s Perspective

This is a big week in our family life. My oldest is starting full day preschool, and honestly, I don’t know how to handle it. 

When you first have kids you always assume you’ll be raising them to leave you; to be independent thinkers and contributing members of society. And don’t get me wrong-that is absolutely my goal in raising my children. But, no one told me how much it would affect *my* emotions at the start of that process.

My son is just going to preschool, for crying out loud, and I know I am acting like I’m sending him off to a foreign country where I will never see him again. I completely realize that it is true what my husband says-I am being ridiculous. 

My problem is I can’t help it! I never knew just how much I would love my kids until I had them. Now that I’ve spent so much time teaching him, helping him, being there for him. It’s now time to start the “flying” process and let him start to have adventures of his own, even if that means just during a school day.

I guess I just feel like once school starts, the days just fly by because everyone will be so busy with everything. I know I will miss these days of boredom at home but I am excited to see all of the adventures he is bound to have. I just never imagined I’d be the one with the big emotions at this stage. My son is thrilled to be going to school! He can’t wait. And here I am-trying to rationalize my emotions like I’m Dr. Phil! 

You are off to great places, buddy. You will do great things. I just hope you know I’ll always be behind you cheering you on along the way. 

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