Mom Thoughts

Raising a Tough Girl

We’ve hit this time in raising our kids where their personalities are really starting to emerge. My oldest is four, in school now. My middle daughter is 2 and a half, and of course our baby-just 6 months old.

It’s really the middle child where we are seeing her personality come to life. She’s always seemed to be “tough”, even as a baby. Believe it or not she was my easiest baby; she slept through the night early on, she had no issues with eating or spitting up, she was pleasant most of the time. 

Lately, her behaviors have really come out. And it’s difficult to describe them. She is sometimes seen as “bad” or “too tough”, and please believe that she’s not always an angel, but I see her as “strong”, “independent”, “secure”. Unlike my oldest, she is a natural born leader. She beats to her own drum and if you choose to follow her, great. If not-Who cares?

We get in our heads about how girls are supposed to act-proper, reserved-and when they don’t they have some kind of stigma then associated with them. I know that my middle daughter isn’t graceful, and she can certainly get a temper. Her emotions are a rollercoaster and when she’s mad, heads will roll. But just as hard as she pitches a fit, she loves with every ounce that she has. She fights hard, but she loves hard. I’ve never seen such a strong love and sense of confidence in a toddler. 

And that makes me incredibly proud. 

So while she can be a fire that spreads destruction, she is equally a fire of passion and love. I hope she never changes. Sure-it’s *a lot* to handle now, but one day these fierce personality traits will be the ones that help her stand up for herself and never get pushed around. Keep being you, my little hurricane. I couldn’t love you more. 

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